Monday, July 9, 2007

I've reached my foster home!

Hi, Gizmo here! First I got to ride with some very nice ladies (one let me ride in the front seat) and a chap named John who was super. He let me point birds while we waited for my next ride. The nice lady who wants me to call her Foster Mum even said he was nice, had a good handshake she said.
Foster Mum stopped at the rest area and let me point some more birds with a little lass named Katie. She is a little snobbish, but I think we will be friends.

Then we went to a big palace with lovely corn and bean fields all around it. Foster Mum gave me a large tub of water and I sat in it, then rolled and rolled in the dirt. It was such fun.

I got wet and dirty for about an hour. I laid on my belly and stretched my legs out behind me and scooted across the grass and then rolled some more.

Foster Mum gave me some food and a couple of cookies. She says I'm a little portly, but that around here nobody sits still for long and I will loose some weight. Buck and Eightball are interesting chaps. For right now we are all being a little stand offish, but Foster Mum says we must learn to be friends so I will try.
Buck and Eightball run around and chase birds and I think that we will learn to play together because I REALLY like birds.
Foster Mum cut some of the matted hair off of me. I only yelped twice and she said she was sorry, she's never had a dog with hair before (lucky me). Then to her amaizement, when she told me let's take a bath, I got in the tub and laid down - she didn't even have to use the glass to put the water on my back. She gave me a great bath and it felt so goood. I was so greatful I pointed lots of birds for her and looked just handsome on our walk.
Then she brought me in the house!! I am so happy to be in a real house again. I sit when I'm told, go straight in the crate and I found the best thing of all - THE BED!! Foster Mum said ok and I got up on the bed and rolled around and she rubbed my belly. I am sooo very happy to be an IBR lucky dog!!

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